Inspiring Stories
Read the heartwarming stories of our wish recipients and see the impact that your support can make.

Tonja Hemmerick
Vacation with her husband
At the age of 33 I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. After 6 months of surgeries and very aggressive chemotherapy. I was given the “all clear” and “cancer free”. Then fast forwarding to 7 years later I had voiced to my former oncologist of hip pain I was experiencing. Where it was brushed off as a hip pointer due to recently turning 40 and I was a runner. Until a lesion broke in my hip. With the following weeks consisting of several physician visits, scans, and x-rays. The diagnosis most feared was that the cancer had returned, and I was now STAGE IV. I currently have lived with STAGE IV breast cancer for the last 15 years, and receive biweekly chemotherapy treatments. There are energetic days followed by exhaustion. In these last 15 years I have experienced many blessings as well as losses. In the chemotherapy room setting there is laughter as well as tears. I try not to dwell on prognosis where it becomes overwhelming. I attempt to accept each day as a blessing and a gift from God. Setting short goals for myself along the way. My prayers and visions are that one day the upcoming generations know only of the word cancer.

Amanda Shishoff
Spa Day
Amanda wished for a nice relaxing day to calm her mind before her upcoming surgery. Thanks to our friends at Woodhouse Spa in Dayton for making this day so special!

Dechael Crenshaw
Kings Island Summer
My name is Dechael Crenshaw, I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer at the age of 29. I did a self examination and felt a lump. I’ve never really had any health issues, and breast cancer doesn’t run in my family at all. I have 3 children, all boys. My journey has been challenging, I find something beautiful and positive in each day.
Dechael wished for a day at Kings Island but we decided to give her and the kids a whole summer there instead complete with food and drink passes!
Click here to see a video of when she told the kids!

Angela Armstrong
A spa day with mom
Hi my name is Angela Armstrong, I’m a 50 year old wife, mother, daughter, grandmother, sister, and aunt. I am also an addict in long term recovery. I abused drugs, alcohol, and basically anything that would numb me for over 20 years. Thanks to God, my family, and my willingness to change, I have been clean for almost 6 years. I now have my Ohio Certification for Peer Recovery Specialist. I help others who are trapped in a life of addiction to get out. I also do Homeless Outreach when needed. When I found out I had breast cancer it was a complete shock. Breast cancer does not run in my family and that’s not even what I was being seen for. In the beginning of July I had a stroke, while in the hospital for that they found what they called a hole in my lung. Two months later I made the time to have it looked at and that’s when the tumor in my breast showed up. They did the biopsy and when I went to my doctor (I took my mom, I was scared) he said the word! What? How? Why? I couldn’t breathe. Cancer is a scary word. My mom and I were both quiet pretty much til we got home and I cried for days. Eventually I started my treatment, I talked to God and here I am writing you. I ask for a shopping day, spa day, dinner day with my mom because she is a trooper! I have put her through so much and she’s always right there holding my hand, loving me, and supporting me. I would love some free time with her.
God bless, Angela

Deidre Lownsdale
Lowes Gift Cards
My name is Deidre. I am a nurse at an OB/GYN office and live in Englewood. Working in women's health my entire nursing career, I've talked to a lot of patients that have been diagnosed or have a history of breast cancer. I never thought it would happen to me. After having multiple breast abscesses and getting those treated, a suspicious area was noted on my mammogram. It was a long process of getting treated again with antibiotics and having an MRI done. Even then, I was sure it would be fine. Even when I had my biopsy, I was sure it would be ok. I had a biopsy 4 years before and it was normal so I convinced myself it would be that way again. I read my results on the lab website when I was at work. Invasive ductal carcinoma. I couldn't believe it and just kept staring at it through my tears. I couldn't tell my husband over the phone and had to wait until we both got home from work. It was a long afternoon. I have three children who were 6, 9, and 15 at the time. I had a bilateral mastectomy in September 2020 and my final staging was 1A. My oncologist did additional testing on the tissue and my number was low enough that I didn't have to have chemo. My risk of recurrence is 4% based on those results. I know I'm lucky in that regard. I'm also lucky because I have wonderful family and friend support. My oncology social worker has been helping me navigate bills and such. She put me in contact with Breast Wishes and I was blown away by Elesha's quick response, kind words, and of course her help. She was able to get us gift cards to Lowe's so we can get our bathroom fixed/remodeled. We have a leak there and it really has been put on the back burner with everything going on. I was also surprised when a package showed up. It had a t-shirt/gifts in it, but the best part was a sweet letter from a 4th grade football player. His team was doing volunteer work and his note put a smile on my face. We can't wait to get our bathroom fixed and Elesha's help is making that a possibility. Thank you so much!!!
Special thanks to KT and Kelly Trail and their kids who write the best letters for us to give to our wish recipients. They're such sweet letters and the ladies love them!

Lindsey Jones
Family Vacation
I am Lindsey Jones. I have been married to my husband for 15 years, we have twin 12-year-old daughters. At 33 years old I felt a lump in my left breast. I thought maybe it was a cyst, my mom got them frequently. I had my annual appointment coming up in two weeks so I figured I would talk to my doctor about it then. By the time I went to that appointment my lump was very large and another one had formed. They sent me for a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy 4 days later and by then it had spread to a lymph node. It was aggressive and growing fast. I immediately scheduled a double mastectomy. The pathology came back and they actually found two different types of cancer. I had Stage 2 triple positive breast cancer. Luckily, it had only spread to one of the 26 lymph nodes they removed. I also tested positive for the BRCA 2 gene mutation. After my mastectomy I had 6 rounds of chemo, a year of targeted immunotherapy, 25 rounds of radiation, and a hysterectomy. I will also be on oral meds for 10 years. I heard about Breast Wishes from one of my chemo nurses who had recently gone through cancer herself and she encouraged me to contact the foundation. My wish is to take my girls on a trip to reconnect and relax. I had my double mastectomy two days before they started middle school, and then I had chemo which made it hard to be the kind of mom I was used to being and wanted to be. Middle school years are tough enough on kids, even without your mom going through cancer. For 17 months our lives have revolved around cancer treatments. Nothing would bring me more joy than having fun as a family!

Teresa Hauser
Trip to Florida
Hello my name is Teresa Hauser. I am 49 years old and a mother of 5.I am going to be a grandma this year. On December 15 of 2020 i found out that I have breast cancer. As you can imagine this was hard to digest. I have two younger girls that are still in school and need their mom. I am grateful for all the outreach from friends and family. I am hoping to be able to go with my girls to Florida for their cheer competition, they have worked so hard to even be invited to this competition. Thank you Breast Wishes for making this possible, without the wish we would not have been able to do it with the extra medical expense and missed work. Thank you so much Teresa Hauser

Valerie Maskrey
New Recliner
My name is Valeria Maskrey. My wish was for a reclining couch. The reason I wanted a reclining couch was so i can relax in the living room with my family in comfort after surgery. I didn't want to feel disconnected from my family.

Nicole Cyphert
New Oven
Nicole recently renewed her love of baking but her old oven wasn't cooperating. She wished for a new one and Breast Wishes was able to get her the one she wanted so she can bake away!

Keli Dukeman
Woodhouse Spa Day
Thank you so very much for the relaxing time I had with my sister and my daughters at Woodhouse Day spa. I was recently listening to some information on how to deal with stress. It said, “take a vacation even if you can’t take a vacation from the situation you’re in”. My first thought was, “how can you take a vacation from cancer?“ Really, it’s impossible.
But, you actually gave me a chance to do that for a moment. I had an opportunity to be with loved ones and enjoy relaxation and laughter. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Keli Dukeman
Very Special thanks to Woodhouse Spa for all of their help making spa day wishes come true for our ladies! They always go above and beyond for them!

Hallerie Kinsey
Trip to Alabama
My Breast Cancer Journey started October of 2019. I had just taken a medical FMLA leave of absence from my Recreational Assistant job at the Assisted Living/ Memory Care facility where I'm employed. I was scheduled for a major foot reconstruction/repair surgery, and at the same time was preparing to say a first time "Good-bye" to my 19 yr old son as he was deploying to Kawait with the Army. I was two weeks to the day post op when I got the call..."your MAMMOGRAM came back abnormal, you need a biopsy now". I was at a complete loss for words and utterly terrified. Several weeks later the the results came back..it was cancer! The surgeon was very adamant that I have a lumpectomy immediately, I did my best to reason, redirect, and deny the need, and when I looked at my surgeon and reminded her that I couldn't possibly have sugery right then..after all my foot was still in a cast and I was using a knee scooter! Her response was " Well lucky for you we aren't operating on that end!". Long story short, in 2 1/2 months time I have 3 sugeries and 2 in office proceedures. My left breast which was a very happy "C" cup, quickly became a "Barely an A" cup leaving me very lopsided and emotionally spent, and still in a foot cast using a knee scooter! WOW! My world was upside down. Here I was , alone now, raising my 16 year old neice that I was granted custody of at 13 1/2, my youngest son (19) stationed in Kawait, my oldest son (30) living in Chicago, and my only daughter (28) living in Alabama who was also unbenounced to me undergoing breast biopsies as well for "lumps". My daughter although far away was my rock and reminded me that I was a strong, a hard headed fighter, who was worthy of kicking cancer right in the ass while smiling! She was right! That is exactly what I am doing as I am going thru my 8 weeks of radiation and my "brand new as of today" skin cancer diagnosis! I haven't seen my daughter for almost 2 years and I just want to hug her, and be in her presence and show her that she was right! (Side note: she opted for a double mastectomy as a preventative measure). So my wish was a rental car and gas to drive myself and my neice(a survivor of neglect/child abuse herself) down to Alabama for Spring Break...to have a girls road trip, to re-bond, not just as family, but as SURVIVORS!

Jean Dailey
New Tub Surround
Thank you so much for the new shower walls. Jeff Lamb did a great job taking out the old broken tile and putting up the surround panels. Also, many thanks for the Lowes gift card. You can count on my support for Breast Wishes. Hoping I am in remission next year and would be able to attend Kelli's walk.
How cute is Jean with this sign she made? We love it!

Brandi Dobson
I am a single mom of six kids, a mix of biological and foster kids (soon to be adopted!). I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2022 and had a mastectomy done in April 2022. I had no hesitation in making that decision because I knew that I had to do whatever was necessary to survive this for my kids. I chose the wish of a massage from Breast Wishes because even before breast cancer, I hardly ever do anything for myself. Now I know that I need to slow down a little bit and do some self-care and this was the best way to do it! I am so appreciative that this organization was able to do this for me and can't believe how generous they are! I wished for a single spa day and they instead got me a years worth of massages! Wow!
Thank you again!

Chrissy Castle
Reds Game, Dinner and Hotel
My breast cancer journey began in December 2019, and it has been a unique one. In April 2019 I found a knot under my left armpit while doing a self exam in the shower. I was also fighting an ear ache, which is very unusual for me. I went to the doctor, had a mammogram and an ultra sound. Neither showed any breast cancer, so I was advised to keep an eye on on, and was placed on antibiotic. As the months went on, the knot got bigger, and I continued to have ear aches. Finally in November of 2019, I went back to the doctor as the knot was now a third boob. I had multiple tests ran, and still no results of breast cancer, so the doctors prepared me for a lymphoma diagnosis, as the biopsy showed the cancer cells in my lymph nodes.
I had a biopsy December 20019 and it came back as breast cancer. The journey begins.....I was diagnoses with stage 3 Triple Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer. This type of breast cancer is agressive and the hardest to treat. I began a very hard and agressive chemo January 2020, and finished the end of May 2020. I had a double mastectomy in June 2020, I had 5 lymph nodes removed, all of which we cancerous. My scan still showed cancer, so I had a 2nd surgery and had 34 additional lymph nodes removed, 27 of which were cancerous. After recovering from surgery, I started agressive radiation, and completed 35 treatments (7 weeks).
January 2021, I started another agressive chemo. I had multiple hospital stays during this time as well. I completed chemo May 2021, and had clean scans up until December 2021.
My cancer has returned. I started back on chemo in March 2022, and am currently fighting the good fight. I choose JOY every day!!!
I am humbled and blessed that Breast Wishes would consider me for a wish. I did not want a wish for myself, I wanted a wish for my husband, who has been my biggest supporter, and has loved me through it all. We will be celebrating 30 years this July, and with that milestone, Breast Wishes is granting us a Reds game weekend, as my husband and I are big baseball fans and even had our first date at a Reds game! For the past 2 1/2 years, we have not taken time for us, the focus has been on my treatments and healing. My two children Madison 26 and Tyler 23 are also wonderful supporters ,along with their spouses, so being able to have an "us" weekend will mean the world to us. I have seen so many blessings along this journey, and I can't wait to see where it takes me!!

Candace Kelly
Trip to Gatlinburg
I was diagnosed at the age of 43 with breast cancer on 1/13/2020. It was found on a routine mammogram with no other symptoms. It has been a bittersweet experience, but it has made our family stronger. I have been married for almost seventeen years with two children, my son (4 1/2, and my daughter, 12 ½). We live in the Dayton area in Ohio. Currently, I teach college level writing courses, and have taught for the past seven years. I enjoy education and learning/connecting with my students and colleagues. I also work as a hospice nurse a few days out of the month (my first career).
I started out with a biopsy that confirmed invasive breast cancer (hormone driven). I then went through a laundry list of tests, bloodwork, MRI, genetic testing, etc. The beginning was difficult, because I was still teaching through this difficulty time, although, I was happy to not have to think about it for a little while. Before it was removed, I thought about it constantly, and the fear made my body feel cold often. I was blessed to have great nurse practitioners, nurses, breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, technicians, and social workers, which made the process so much better. I suppose the kindness that I received from my breast and plastic surgeons surprised me the most. I was really impressed and grateful for their support. After a second opinion, we decided to go with a local breast surgeon that I felt comfortable with. Together, we made the decision to remove the left breast completely, since that breast was relatively small to begin with. I later decided to have a nipple sparing double mastectomy with breast expanders. I was so happy that there was no cancer in my lymph nodes during surgery. I feel good about my decision to have the double mastectomy to minimize my chances of having the cancer potentially spread to the other breast.
After much research, I decided to have breast implants placed. I have one more surgery that involves fat grafting later in the summer. Thus far I have had three surgeries in six months: Double mastectomy, drain repositioning, and breast implant surgery. I also battled a breast infection in my left breast for about a month and a half and had to take antibiotics for an extended period of time. I was so grateful that my breast surgeon’s scheduler fought to get me on the surgery list in the beginning of March 2020. I was able to have my mastectomy before the outbreak of the Coronavirus. I was also grateful that my other surgeries were performed at my plastic surgeon’s office (outpatient OR suite).
My nurse navigator encouraged me to accept help from others and not to “take away someone else’s blessing.” I am usually the helper, not the other way around. Also, she connected me to my wonderful social worker who introduced me to the Breast Wishes foundation. My goal is to have a normal, nice vacation for my family. I look at is as a way to say “thank you” to them for being there for me.
My son was very aware of my “power balls” (also known as drainage tubes or Jackson Pratt drains). We tried to make it something interesting and fun for him and not something scary. Every day, he would ask about them and hug my leg and arm to “protect my power balls.” My daughter was more aware of the seriousness of the situation, but handled it well through our support, and the support of our church. She was also involved in a church youth group that was helpful. It was a blessing that she found a friend at school who had a mother that also went through cancer and was doing well. My husband was great. He put together a “Beating Cancer” party days away from my mastectomy. I have gained some new friends and a new insight on what it is like to be on the receiving end of a life changing diagnosis. Cancer has a way of showing you who your real friends and family are. Thank you for this gift for my family.

Nicki Capasso
Trip to Columbus Zoo
Hello, I am a single mother of three beautiful children. Life was going good, I had three jobs I enjoyed working but when this hit I had to quit two of them. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer April 2019. It was a shock considering I do not have a history of cancer in my family and I am only 33. I had an ultrasound and mammogram April 2nd, April 4th a biopsy, results April 8th, first appt. with both my surgical oncologist and my chemo oncologist April 11th, April 17th a port was placed and April 29th I started chemo. At the moment I have gone through four rounds with two chemo medications and now I am on the third round of a third chemo medication, which I will have 12 altogether with this medication. Basically got smacked with this in April and there's been no break for myself or my children.
We needed a break.
I had planned to take my kids on a trip this summer but when we got the news that was out of the question. I know losing my jobs I should have asked for help with bills but I believe that this vacation was much needed. We all got to forget that I had cancer, the kids got to be kids again. Breast wishes was able to provide a fun filled two days at COSI and the Columbus Zoo. We were able to have a bucket full of fun and make memories this summer that didn't include something that had to do with my cancer treatment. I will never forget that they were able to provide the first time my two girls got to sleep in a hotel room. Honestly, I think that was my youngest favorite part :)

Lynnette Carlino
New Interior Doors
I started working in TV just about a year after college. I worked my way into a full time commercial production producer and began traveling the world. I spent some extended time in the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Palestine and Israel, then on to Bolivia, Japan, Spain, Holland, Tanzania and Italy. I was 35 when Michael and I met and shortly after we married and had our daughter, Gianna, I began work as a Series Producer on a local television show with THINKTV, PBS Channel 16. We moved into a new house and were happily cruising through life.
Then, WHAM! I turned 40 and a lump appeared. I was diagnosed with Stage IIB Breast Cancer. I had three surgeries in six weeks, culminating in a double mastectomy. Then I had 5 rounds of chemo and 28 radiation treatments. I took medical leave and put my career on hold to spend as much time with my daughter as I could. Gianna was just 2.5 when I was diagnosed and I worried so much about how my physical appearance would impact her. She was happy to help shave my head and didn't care really that I didn't have any hair. It seems she's never NOT known the word 'cancer'. I'm grateful for that in a way--it's not a scary word to her. She's 4.5 now and very empathetic and wise beyond her years.
I contacted Breast Wishes because I was done with my treatment and I'm 'supposed to go back to normal'. What does 'normal' even look like? My husband and I had been purposeful with our time the last two years; making lots of memories and having lots of experiences. So, what would bring me JOY? When we moved into the new house, it was our plan to replace all the interior doors with updated white panel doors. But as most of you know, EVERYTHING takes a back burner to cancer. Those doors started to become physical reminders of a life off course. It seemed silly at first to ask for new doors. But doors are so symbolic. My home has become my safe place; one of the few places I feel protected and in control. Cancer steals those things from you. So, to have new doors that symbolize new open 'doors' in my life and to have them as daily, physical reminders of others' goodness is an unbelievable gift. Everyday, I am reminded to seek JOY in my life, to look for opportunities to help someone else and above all, practice gratitude. All because my ugly doors were lovingly and generously replaced with beautiful, updated doors. My heart is full.
**Special thanks to Newt and his team at Total Home Pros for donating their time to replace Lynnette's doors and thanks to Laveck Photography for the great shot and free photography sessions at Portraits of Hope**

Heather Bates
David and I had an amazing trip! We went to almost all the hotels and casinos. We had a fabulous dinner at Hell’s Kitchen. We saw the famous Pawn Stars pawn shop. We loved the old downtown Fremont St. We found a casino that had the old gambling machines and had a blast playing on some of those. Our favorite part of the trip was the day excursion to LA. We stopped at a interesting gas station on the way. Then once in LA we had lunch at the Warner Brothers studio, (didn’t see anyone famous). We made stops at the Griffith Observatory to see the famous Hollywood sign, Hollywood Blvd to see the wall of stars, and some very interesting people. We watched as they rolled out the red carpet at the Chinese theater to get ready for the AFI awards. We then went to Beverly Hills and walked Rodeo Drive, I got to see the Beverly Wilshire Hotel where Pretty Women was filmed (one of my all time favs). The last stop was our favorite. We went to Santa Monica Beach, where we got to watch the sunset from the pier. It was one of the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen. The water temp was 50 degrees but David and I have never been to the Pacific Ocean so we dipped our feet in! You honestly have no idea how much this trip meant to us. Without Breast Wishes Foundations this trip wouldn’t have been possible for us. For this we say Thank You. Honestly I can’t thank you enough. I never knew Kelli, but I have no doubt that she is looking down on Elesha, Mandi, and the rest of Breast Wishes Foundation and smiling at the work that you do to help other women who are affected by breast cancer. You definitely brought JOY to David and myself.

Phaedra Winters
Shopping Spree!
Phaedra Winters, a 54 year old behavior therapist was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, September 2016 from 3D mammogram and Ultrasound. By the time she was referred to an oncologist, the tumor (HER+) had aggressively doubled in size on the left breast left lymph nodes. Chemotherapy helped reduce the size of the tumor. This was her second go around with Cancer. She was first diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 30. She requested a bilateral mastectomy with breast reconstruction. After clearance for surgery she underwent a bilateral mastectomy, with left ancillary node removal in April 2017. Breast Wishes Foundation has assisted her with her wish
for a monovision contact eye exam, contact lenses, and a new wardrobe with clothing that fits perfectly. Currently, she is going through tissue stretching to prepare for her final implant surgery in a few months. Ms. Winters says’ “without the help of Breast Wishes Foundation and their donors, she would
not have been able to afford the eye exam, contacts, nor the wardrobe.” Ms. Winters has been unable to work while she undergos treatment. Breast Wishes Foundation, really does help make dreams come true! Special thanks to Breast Wishes Foundation and the generous donors who make dreams like this
**Special Thanks to Bright Eyes Optical for donating the eye exam and 6 months of contacts**

Shirley Wyatt
Big Screen Smart TV
My Breast cancer journey began back in 1996 when I️ was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. After a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation I️ was in remission for 20+ years. Then in July 2013 I️ was diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 3c that had spread to innumerable tumors throughout my entire abdominal cavity. I️ was at that time tested for gene abnormality; I️ am BRACA 1 positive. Despite four years of chemo my cancer continued to grow so in March of this year I️ stopped treatments and went into palliative care for pain management. As I️ got weaker, I️ decided I️ needed Hospice care. I’ve been with hospice of Dayton ( in-home) about three months and that has helped tremendously! Through family and friends who contribute to Breast Wishes Foundation fundraisers I️ was given the chance to make a wish. I️ opted to ask for a 50” Smart TV to keep me entertained as in-home hospice is lonely and boring. Got it Monday! Love, Love it! Thank you Breast Wishes Foundation!!!

Renita Shelton
New Mattress Set
My name is Renita Shelton. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer shortly after Christmas of 2015. After ongoing chemotherapy & radiation treatments, I was given 6-18 months to live this past summer. Fighting Cancer is an exhausting battle, but each day I continue to fight so that I can have more time with my children and grandchildren. They are keeping me living, and are my everything! I didn’t want a fancy dream vacation, but just a much needed new mattress and box spring-so that I can sleep better so that I can fight better!
Thank you so much Breast Wishes Foundation! You have no idea how much I appreciate this dream come true. May you continue to bless others with their wishes.
**Special thanks to Sleep Outfitters in Huber Heights**

Sheila Earley
Diagnose and Fix Car Troubles
I'm very thankful in your organization for helping me. I'm 57 years old and was a school bus driver until Aug 17 th this year when I lost my job, then 3 days later find out I have breast cancer.
Everyday I try not to focus on the bad, but more on the good. I am an avid crafter and love to make beautiful things. I love to take old items and spruce them up and make them new again. And it makes my day when I see others enjoy the things I make. I had worked in a nursing home and enjoyed it very much. I'm a people person. I have 2 beautiful grandsons one is five the other is twelve. The twelve year old has had cerebral palsy since birth. He has shown me that you don't let things stop you. There are speed bumps in life that just slow u down, it's the stop sticks that stop you. And that is the way you think about things.
So, this grandma lives everyday for the wonderful things that's in life, family, friends and all the new people that touch my life as well as those who lives I've touched.
Thank you and your organization again.
**Special thanks to Oak Grove Import Auto Service**

Kristi Hittepole
Christmas for her family
Kristi is a 40 year old single mom to two daughters. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 and has been fighting the cancer and complications from cancer surgery for over 5 years. She is on a fixed income with disability and really wanted to have a nice Christmas for her daughters. She reached out to Breast Wishes in early December and we scrambled to make it happen by having a tree delivered in time along with presents for Kristi and the kids. She sent us an amazing video of the kids after they received their new chromebook tablets from "santa" and it was pure JOY!

Heather Huston
In Home Hospital Bed
I am 38 years old, and have been a caregiver for almost my entire life. I've been caring for my parents since I was young and I now have the sole responsibility of caring for my uncle who is deaf and has autism. So, now that I'm on the other side of caregiving, it's been difficult to realize that I need to slow down and care for ME now as I battle breast cancer. It has been a rough road so far but my faith in God, support from family and friends, and Breast Wishes have been my saving grace. I struggle with extreme fatigue and debilitating pain and the one thing I have desperately needed is a hospital bed to assist me in raising up as I need a lot of help. Also, being elevated will help me be able to breathe better! So I am incredibly grateful Breast Wishes will be granting me this request and sending me a hospital bed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Kathy Knopp
Healthy Lifestyle Help
Kathy has been diagnosed as terminal and would like to prolong her life as much as possible so she wished for vitamins and supplements, healthy vegetables and foods, organic bones to make bone broth and she wanted to keep up the tradition of Saturday morning breakfast with her daughter.
**Special thanks to Healthy Alternative, Kroger, George's Family Restaurant and Haren's Market**

Jeanie Townsend
To take her kids on a vacation
Jeanie was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2017. She wished to take her kids on a summer vacation so Breast Wishes is sending the family to Myrtle Beach!

Tara Williams
To have a nice Christmas for her grandkids
Tara has been battling stage 3 breast cancer since 2014. She hasn't been able to work and really wanted to see the JOY on her granddaughters' faces when they had a pile of gifts from her at Christmas! We made that happen with a Wal Mart shopping spree!

Jennifer Lewis
To celebrate her 30th Wedding Anniversary
Jennifer Lewis 51
Diagnosed 12/2016
Stage 3 breast cancer
Did chemo for 4 months
Double mastectomy with reconstruction.
Now starting radiation for 5 weeks
Married 30 years to Harold
2 children
Robin 27
Dusty 20
Born and raised in Vandalia Oh
Working at Ernst Concrete
Trying to stay positive through this.
Worked through all chemo treatments and now radiation.
Took 1 month off for surgery but went right back to work. I will beat this .
Jennifer wishes for a night out with her husband to celebrate their anniversary. Breast Wishes sent them to a Dragon's game for some fun and to the Oakwood Club for a romantic dinner.
**Special thanks to the Oakwood Club**
Alice Lohnes
In home health care for her sister
Alice was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and needed to get started on radiation treatments immediately. Her oncologist wanted her to go to treatment 5 days per week for 4-5 weeks but Alice couldn't leave her disabled sister alone for that length of time. She wasn't going to get her treatments until Breast Wishes stepped in and granted her wish for in home health care for her sister Lois. The folks at Golden Heart Senior Care took great care of Lois so Alice could go to treatment and take good care of herself!

Paige Mack
Yoga Training
Paige Mack was first diagnosed with breast cancer in January of 2016. After thinking she had beat the disease it came back in a bone as metastic breast cancer two years later. She was 25 at her first diagnosis and found out about her second diagnosis the day before her 28th birthday. She strives to spread positive energy and be a flicker of light in this sometimes dark world we live in. She is from Ohio, moved to Denver and recently came back to Ohio for treatment at Cleveland Clinic. She plans to attend Yoga teacher training this June in Denver. She is so grateful to have connected with Elesha and for Breast Wishes to grant her wish of a Yoga workshop with Katie Silcox at Day Yoga in Dayton.

Michayla Cotillon
Great Wolf Lodge
Michayla wanted a weekend getaway with her mother and 3 kids and picked Great Wolf Lodge as the destination. Our foundation granted her wish with a big suite with bunk beds for the kids and plenty of space for mom and grandma. What a blast!

Rene Brubaker
Trip to Prince Edward Island
Rene wished for a trip to Prince Edward Island and took about 2 weeks to drive from Ohio to Canada and back. She called Breast Wishes each day to help her find hotels in the area so it was like we got to follow along on the trip with her! We are so happy she was able to make this trip and make some awesome memories with her husband.

Nikol Marvin
Graduation Party
So many of our women use their wishes to help others and Nikol wanted to help send her son off by giving him a great graduation party. We gave Nikol a $500 Kroger gift card so she could get all the party supplies she needed!

Debbie Riley
Trip to Florida
My roller coaster ride started in 2012. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and started with a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I said Debbie you can do this. I lost my hair and burnt my skin but I beat cancer and I’m alive. So it was all good. I gained a tremendous amount of weight during that time so I started on a weight loss journey. I lost over 100 pounds over the next four years. I thought I was home free.
In August of 2017, they discovered cancer in my other breast. I said to myself “are you kidding me”. So with a level head I said I was going to have a double mastectomy. I do not wish this on anyone. This has been the one of the hardest decisions of my life. The recovery has not been easy. But again, I am cancer free.
At the time of my surgery I was planning on visiting a friend in Colorado for her son’s wedding. We have been friends for over 25 years. Those plan were canceled with my surgery.
So I keep getting curve balls thrown at me but I continue swinging. I found out in May 2018 that I have uterine cancer. My doctor states this is a quick fix. All and I stress ALL I need is a hysterectomy. So this will be completed 6-15-18.
I asked Breast Wishes to help with a plane ticket to Florida as my friend and I are planning a retreat if you will to Florida in October. We are each going to pick a bucket list thing to do. I have so many I can’t wait to choose. I suppose one bucket list is beating CANCER three times.
Alittle about me: I am a social work supervisor at Montgomery County Children Services where I have been for ten years. Prior to that I worked 18 years in Lorain County in Child welfare. I can’t imagine a better career. I love what I do. I am divorced with no children however I am the BEST and I mean the BEST auntie in the world. All my nieces and nephews know where their bread is buttered.
I grew up in Sandusky and am the second oldest of six children. My mother is still alive and she lives in Sandusky. We are a very close family and I spend much of my summer in Sandusky and I may retire there in 15 months.
My favorite shirt is the one I am wearing in this picture and it says” Yes, they're fake, the real ones tried to kill me. “
I am very sorry for your family’s loss. I am grateful that you have started this foundation and you have granted me this wish. Thank- you again.

Carol Seth
My cancer journey started in July of 2015. I felt a pain in my right breast so I examined my breast and found a lump. I went to the doctors within a few days. I then seen the surgeon within a week for a biopsy. Then August 4, 2015 a double mastectomy with 3 lymph nodes removed and chemo treatments for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma that was ER/PR Positive. I was so surprised by how quick it all happened. I went on to have breast reconstruction surgeries and then a Hysterectomy. A total of 11 surgeries in less than 16 months. I have a few more surgeries to go later and several years of medication, but I’m so happy just to be alive.
In July, 2018 I was sent a message from a wonderful foundation called “Breast Wishes Foundation”. My wish was for a few plants and a seat to be placed around my little pond. I was told that a company named Green Trails from Beavercreek would be contacting me. KT came to my home and looked around, then told me that he would get back with me. They not only worked around my pond but all the flower beds in my yard. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for people like this! The foundation that takes a cancer patient like me and does something great to make them happy. It is truly a gift from God. Thank You!
Special thanks to Green Trails Lawn and Landscaping

Anita Rice
Anniversary Celebration
My name is Anita Rice, and I am married with 3 lovely children. I was working as an administrative asst. At a large medical facility in Cleveland, Oh. While enjoying life as a wife and mother, I was diagnosed in July of 2013 with triple negative breast cancer. After losing my mom to breast cancer in 1997, my worst nightmare had come true. I underwent a right mastectomy with reconstruction, and then 6 rounds of chemo. Soon, things went back to normal, and I got my life back, working and enjoying life again.
Then right before my 5 year mark I started having pain in my right leg in June of 2018, which turned out to be metastic breast cancer to the bone. I am currently fighting breast cancer for a second time, getting weekly chemo treatments. I have had 13 rounds and my first scan. So far the scan shows that the cancer is responding to the chemo and it is working. I will continue with treatments, and continue to pray for a good outcome.
My dedicated husband Michael has always been there for me through every step of the way, we just celebrated 27 years of marriage and we wanted to do a big date night.. Thanks to the foundation we will be attending a concert of one of our favorite Artist, who also have the same name as me "Anita Baker" we will enjoy a wonderful dinner before the show.
Thanks to the foundation, we are so grateful!

Tina Sharp
A Car
What would help bring me JOY is to be able to get some transportation so I can get out and volunteer, see my grandkids, go to church and go to my appointments. I would love to be able to get out of the house and stop being locked in looking at these four walls. I have stage 4 breast cancer and congestive heart failure from the cancer treatments. I've lost my job, my condo and my vehicle and feel like everything is closing in on me at once. The freedom to drive myself around would be such a blessing! Thank you Breast Wishes for granting me this wish!
Natalie Hill
A Backyard Pool
Natalie wished for a pool to float in to help with the pains associated with her cancer. Summer was half way over when she made her wish and the professional pool installers didn't have time on their schedule for months so Natalie's husband Rob decided to take on the job himself! From digging electrical trenches to getting permits and putting the pool together-Rob made it happen for her. Natalie tells us that the pool has brought much JOY to her and her family!

Gayle Harris
A new mattress
I am a thriver of cancer three times. In 1998 I had a miscarriage and was then diagnosed with my first cancer. It was cancer of the residual placental growth. The technical term is choriocarcinoma. My second cancer was colon cancer in 2003. My third cancer was breast cancer in 2011. This was actually the worst as I had to go through radiation, chemo and a bilateral mastectomy. I am still going through the reconstruction process. Unfortunately with this diagnosis came the added complication of lymphedema.
Gayle has been a supporter of 5k for Kelli since the beginning and always dressed in her fairy best for the event! She wished for a new mattress to add a little bit of comfort to her life.

Jonda Wilken
Shopping Spree
Jonda has a very rare and aggressive type of breast cancer. She is unable to work and sometimes just buying essentials is a struggle. We took Jonda to Target and Marshalls and went on an awesome shopping spree on Black Friday! She loves to clean and got lots of Method cleaners without harsh chemicals. She also got new curtains, new rugs, new towels and new bedding to spruce up the living room, bathroom and bedroom. She got an essential oil diffuser as well and has fallen in love with our JOY blend!

Amy Fenning
New Appliances
Amy Fenning, a 49-year old mother of three, was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in June of 2018 during a routine mammogram. With no family history of breast cancer, the diagnosis came as quite a shock to the otherwise healthy marketing professional. A major proponent of preventative health, Amy has never missed a yearly mammogram and always asks for the optional 3D image due to having dense, fibrous tissue. “In the time I’ve been having mammograms, most of my screens have been abnormal so returning for a diagnostic and ultrasound was of little concern. When I had to go for a biopsy, I definitely raised my eyebrows a little bit. However, I’ve always been determined to not worry about something until I had something to worry about. It wasn’t until the radiologist contacted me personally with my results that my heart dropped to the floor. I knew he wasn’t calling to congratulate me.”
Tests revealed that the tumor was triple positive and quite aggressive. Opting for a less invasive lumpectomy, the surgery lasted nearly four hours due to the discovery of a satellite tumor that was not revealed on the ultrasound. Fortunately, all margins and lymph nodes were clear. Due to the aggressive nature of the cancer, Amy is undergoing chemotherapy and immunotherapy which will be followed by radiation. Immunotherapy will then continue for the balance of a year to the anniversary of the diagnosis.
Recently moved into a new home with older appliances, Amy was in the chemotherapy center at Miami Valley South Hospital looking for a new stove and microwave on her tablet when a nurse told her about the Breast Wishes Foundation. “The stove in my home was really becoming a fire hazard concern and needed to be replaced. Even with insurance, medical co-pays really add up and money for appliances wasn’t readily available. However, I just couldn’t put it off any longer. Finding out about The Breast Wishes Foundation couldn’t have come at a better time.” The form was filled out during the appointment and faxed right from the nurse’s station.
“I have a new stove and over the range microwave that I can use to safely bake and cook without worrying about short wiring. Everything cooks evenly and at the right temperatures so I know nothing is undercooked. I can’t thank the Breast Wishes Foundation enough for this wonderful gift. I love to cook and bake for others. This provides me with the ability to continue to do what gives me great JOY while I’m going through many changes in my life.”

Regina Galbraith
Financial Help
My name is Regina Galbraith. I am 56 yrs old, and have 3 sons. One of which is 17 years old who will be graduating in May from Greene county career center. I was diagnosed with triple negative, stage 3, grade 3 breast cancer in Oct. of 2018. I am grateful for breast wishes. Because of their generosity I am able to keep my household going for my son and I. Helps me put what energy I have into my treatment and getting better. I will forever be grateful.

Kelly Long
New Oven
I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in August 2018... I was 38 at the time so mammograms hadn't been a part of my life. Needless to say we were shocked and scared. I work full time and have two small children and didn't have time for cancer and didn't know how we'd get through all of this. I did 6 rounds of chemo and had a bilateral mastectomy in January 2019. Our support network of friends and co-workers have been great. People have been providing us with meals, which has helped out a lot, but our oven at home is from 1988 and on its last leg so on a couple occasions some of the lovely food people brought over would get burnt as a result of our failing oven. I saw a brochure for Breast Wishes and thought I'd contact them about a Lowe's giftcard so we could purchase a new oven and end some of the frustration that it causes us on a daily basis. It might sound like a silly thing to want when you're dealing with cancer, but having one less thing to worry about on a day to day basis is always nice when you have a big weight like cancer on your shoulders.
Thank you so much for the Lowe's gift card! I can't wait for our new oven to arrive and make our lives a little easier!"

Renee Hatch
New Furniture
I'm a 59 year old newly diagnosed Stage3 3T Negative Cancer patient.. I'm also a retired insurance worker and foster mom.. I've had some awesome sauce jobs in my pass like Emory University.. WPAFB.. The VA Hospital.. to name a few.. I enjoy reading, skating.. movies.. I use to be a lifeguard.. and i still enjoy swimming and traveling.. I have 3 grandsons that call me NaNa and I love it.
P.S. I'm gonna beat this Cancer!!!
Renee wished for some new furniture and a new bed. Thanks to Payless Furniture for giving us such a great deal! The blue couch and love seat looks awesome and the new mattress and box spring will remind Renee that there is plenty of support for her out there!

Barbara Ellis
Plane tickets to London
My parents met at Ohio State; my father was from NY, my mother NJ. I was born in Cleveland in 1956. I have four siblings; two older, two younger, equal mix of sisters and brothers.
We moved to Los Angeles when I was 6. I moved to San Francisco in 1979, married and had my children there, both born at home. My daughter, Pearl is 29, my son, Jackson is 27. Pearl moved to Columbus almost 4 years ago (the Bay Area was/is unaffordable). I followed her a year later. Were my parents still living, they would be charmed to know that their granddaughter brought us back to Ohio.
I spent many years as a middle school special education teacher, and I continue to offer my services as an academic tutor/mentor. I now work for The Columbus Metropolitan Library, which I love.
My ex-husband is English. He also has 4 siblings. I am closest to his sister, Zoe, who will be marrying her long time love, Tony, on May 4th. The last time we saw one another, I was still recovering from ovarian cancer; about 13 years ago. It strikes me as somewhat ironic that I will see her again under similar circumstances. I will surely have the same "hairdo" this time around as well (if it grows back, sigh.........I was much further along this far after chemo the last time, if I recall correctly ;-/).
I was diagnosed with stage 1b, triple negative breast cancer in late July/early August. I have an amazing team of doctors who have seen me through surgery, chemo and now radiation. I am just about finished with active treatment.
I have the ovarian cancer to thank for the early detection of this breast cancer. Since I was discovered to be BRCA1 positive, I am checked every 6 months. The excellent care begun at UCSF has continued with OSU. I am a very lucky woman.
*Barbara wished for plane tickets to London so she could join her family for a wedding there-how exciting!

Regina Jones
Plane tickets to Vegas
I have been having mammograms since I was in my early 30’s. My Grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was in her 70’s. My step mother passed away when she was 48 from Breast cancer. My Mom passed away when she was 54 from breast cancer. All of there cancer was estrogen based. I was tested to see if I had the Brach 1 & 2 gene after Mom passed away. It came back negative.
I made an appointment for my yearly mammogram in October 2018. A couple days later I saw a skin tag on my breast, when I touched it I felt a large lump! Quickly called doctor and they change the mammogram to include an ultra sound mammogram also, “just to be safe”. After both procedures were finished they took me into a room to discuss the results. I knew I would need a biopsy but I wasn’t prepared for what they told me. They said that the lump was 2cm and they could tell by the shape of it that they were pretty sure it was cancer, would need a biopsy to confirm.
Turned out the lump was 9cm once the biopsy was done. The cancer was also in the lymp nodes. The biopsy showed my cancer is Her2/neu+3. This is different than my Mom and Grandma. This was a shocker to me. Was told my cancer is protein base. (I believe the medicine used to treat my Chrons for the last 5 years is what contributed to my Breast cancer.) The doctor was surprised himself and wanted a pet scan to be sure the cancer hadn’t spread anywhere else. I just had a mammogram last year!
Pet scan came back that the cancer had already spread to my liver. So we went from a cure-able cancer stage 2 to stage 4 incurable in a blink of an eye.
I have placed my Faith in God and my oncologist. I am doing treatments and praying for another day with my husband and son.
I am thankful for BreastWishes for helping my family to have a memorable vacation. My son is a big Gordon Ramsey fan. A Hell’s Kitchen just opened this winter in Vegas! With the help of BreastWishes my family will get to experience the Hell’s kitchen! Thank you to all those involved to help families have a wish and an opportunity to make a memory!

Kendra Payton
Mortgage Assistance
My name is Kendra Payton-Bell and I am 37 years old. I am a wife and mother to three beautiful children. Two daughters 15 and 13 and a 6 year old son. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on January 22, 2019. It has been a huge life transition, but I know that I am a survivor and will be okay. Thank you so much for this opportunity and wish.

Nina Peters
New Carpet
Hello, my name is Nina Peters, I am 41 years old and I've been married to my wonderful husband Shelby for 14 years this June 10th. We had 3 children. However, August 27th 2017 I lost my oldest son to SUDEP ( Sudden Unexplained Death from EPilepsy). My son was 20 years old and he didn't have life insurance, so my husband and I used all of our savings to pay for his funeral, time off of work and expenses for my grandson. Then May of 2018 my mom was diagnosed with stage 1 Breast Cancer. She had a lumpectomy and radiation, she is doing well now. Exactly a year after my son passed away, August 27, 2018, I was diagnosed with stage 3, triple positive invasive ductal carcinoma with metastasis to my auxiliary nodes. I started chemotherapy September 17th, had a double mastectomy on January 25th, with reconstruction. February 12th I had to have my left exspander taken out in emergency surgery due to a severe infection. I have continued with my chemo and have also been in radiation now for weeks. I have 3 more surgeries, 2 major and one outpatient. After being diagnosed with breast cancer I knew if I could survive my sons death I could survive this. I knew I had to, for my family. They have been through so much, this wasn't fair to them. I now have till September, with chemo and I'll be finished with radiation in a week. The battles we have been through have made our finances completely hard to manage. But thanks to Breast Wishes we were granted our wish of getting new carpet. It was something we had planned on doing before our son passed away. With everything that has happened, it was the last thing on our list to worry about. Thank you so much Breast Wishes.
Special Thanks to Jeff at U-Profit Wholesale Carpet

Donna Back
Financial Help
I'm 55 yrs. old. I'm single with one son, and 4 wonderful grandchildren.
I was diagnosed in April. I had surgery in May on my left breast. Now I'm doing radiation treatments. I have faith that this will work. My fear is my family history , the chance of coming back is great. I want to have mastectomy to help prevent that. Mentally and physically this is so hard. Financially it has broke me.
I'm grateful to be alive and look forward to giving back to Pink Ribbon Girls and Breast Wishes. My workplace gives me the platform to raise money for causes. We have benefit Poker Runs , an awesome group of bikers will stand up for these causes. We have helped adults, children, and the Humane Society.

Jennifer Combs
Financial Help
I am 52 yrs old
Grew up in Miamisburg Ohio and graduated from Miamisburg high school in 1986
I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2012 and had a lumpectomy and then chemo and radiation.
I was in remission until May of 2019 when I went for a Mammogram which I do twice a year. I had to start chemo again in June and finally finished that up around the middle of August. I just had a double mastectomy on Sept 9.
I have 2 sons that are 32 and 28 and a 24 year old Step daughter
My husband has a bad spine disease that all the disc in his back are fusing together so it is difficult for him to get around.
We have 1 fur baby named Roman Reigns We are big WWE fans and Roman Reigns is my favorite wrestler!
Jennifer wished for some financial assistance and Breast Wishes gladly helped with some bills to alleviate some of her stress and and bring some JOY with financial relief!

Katie McCrea
Wish Recipient
My name is Katie and I am 48 years old. I have a wonderful husband, three great daughters, and two grandkids. I was diagnosed with HR+/HER2- IDC in late March of 2023. I had surgery in late June, and I’m currently undergoing chemotherapy.
I was a participant in a high risk clinic for breast cancer for over three years because of my family history. Because of that clinic, I believe my cancer was caught much more quickly than it may have been. I am so grateful for that.
I chose my wish, a shopping trip to Hobby Lobby, because crafting keeps my mind busy and brings me joy! I enjoy creating things for my friends and family.
Thank you so much for this opportunity!

Dorothy Aggrey
Wish Recipient
Gratitude is in Order!
“Come on, give it a shot. Make a wish.” That was Jan Hillman encouraging us (a group of ten ladies, all undergoing some kind of treatment for various forms of cancer) to send in our wishes to the Breast Wishes Foundation. We had been invited to a weekend retreat organized by Noble Circle, another hands-on cancer stronghold in the Dayton area. So, I sent in my wish after a conversation with my children. They agreed to go along with me to any place I would choose for Thanksgiving. They, too, longed for their mother to have a break from the lengthy and painful journey of cancer and its treatments. I wanted to visit a warm place by a body of water and simply gaze out at the waves. We eventually settled on Myrtle Beach although none of us had ever set foot there.
Then came Elesha Snyder, co-founder of the Breast Wishes Foundation. After notifying me that my wish had been granted, she patiently walked me through the process of booking flights, an Airbnb, and a rental car. Admittedly, the weather was not perfect when we landed in Myrtle Beach, but the company made up for the lull in the sunshine. My children and I were relaxed
throughout the trip. It was great to just laze around, walk about the beach, and not be in a hurry to go anyplace – simply enjoy each other’s company.
Thank you, Elesha, Jan, and all the staff and volunteers at the Breast Wishes Foundation. We had a lovely time. It was great to see the smiles on my children’s faces again. It was a peaceful weekend, and I would like to express my profound gratitude to all persons who made this special week with my children possible.
Thank you!

Rebekah Fairchild
Wish Recipient
Hello everyone.
My name is Rebekah and I am a wish recipient. I am married to my wonderful Husband Tom. I have 2 daughters and 5 grandchildren. I am a seamstress specializing in sewing for children with sensory issues. January 2023 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Things were bleak and at times really hard but i sit now in remission. Still getting chemo and starting radiation january 2nd. I am so thankful to everyone for making my wish come true. Elesha was so caring and nice in helping me to work through my wish. After a lot of thought I decided that I wanted / needed new sewing machines and a knitting machine. My old ones were worn out. I am so excited to go back to sewing again. Thank you so much for making my wish come true!
God bless each of you! As for me I am celebrating life this Holiday season.
Love to you all.

Cindy Back
Wish Recipient
My wish was to have a little getaway with my husband. He has been so devoted to me during my treatments. It will be so nice to get a break from all the cancer treatments and to spend quality time with him. Breast wishes granted a trip for the two of us to Naples, Florida. We have also planned a deep sea fishing excursion, which has always been on my bucket list.
Thank you Breast Wishes for providing this fun getaway!

Karen Pietrzack
Wish Recipient
I’m Karen Pietrzak, breast cancer survivor. I was first diagnosed in 2011. To treat my stage IV cancer, I went through a right breast mastectomy and had all my lymph nodes in that arm removed. I endured six months of chemo and 38 treatments of radiation. It was and still is the hardest fight of my life, but the love of my family has kept me going. Thankfully to God, I went into remission! Since my type of cancer was aggressive, my physician placed me on hormone therapy which I continued to take for ten years. The cancer had not returned in that time so my physician and I decided to try going without hormone therapy. After only a year, my cancer was back with a vengeance. I was diagnosed again with metastasized breast cancer that has spread throughout my liver and bones, with small spots in my brain. I’ve had radiation on my hips and my spine, as well as chemo and hormone therapy. I will undergo ablation and Y90 treatment in my liver in the near future. My three sons and 11 grandchildren are my world and what I fight for! I Thank you, so much, to The Breast Wishes Foundation for making this wish come true and to FSR for donating their hard labor in creating a patio that I can enjoy with my many beloved children, grandchildren, and dogs.
Special Thanks to FSR Landscape
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Every wish costs an average of $1,500. Will you help make a wish come true with your gift?